Alaska fireweed (fireweed flavored ice cream is rather tasty too!)This gorgeousness can be found along the upper section of the Healy overlook trail (Denali Natl park entrance)Flowers of the delicate Alaskan tundra (Eielson Visitor Center area, DNP) It apparently gets really purple later in the summer, with flowers like these, and a couple of other purple varieties: Random bits of nature captured on the journey...
Kenai Fjords National Park visitors center Pretty views on the Harding Icefield trail Who did that? This is fairly common too (Moose!) This is where we had to stop, since there was alot of water gushing over the steep trail... It was 3.5 mi to the icefield, but the staff told us that the trail was still snowed over at 1.5mi in... Hard to believe, with all of the lush greenery early on!